Saturday, October 20, 2007

I've reservations for us! \o/

I've reservations for us! \o/

Oh! and side note.. do you guys even The Sandfairy? It was a BBC show/mini series about a little grumpy ugly green creature and a bunch of brothers and sisters? He would grant a wish everyday.... rining any bells?

I'd been trying to tell the truth. of the series (they Aaaaages! Anyways, last afternoon I happened upon 5 Children and It at our library. While it was far to new to be the show I remembered.... as it features the little kid from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Finding Neverland... it instantly made me think of the SandFairy -and- it's title. My brain is now a dying fish.

Come to find out.. this is the way (based on a childrens book). I've yet to watch it.... but as it ALSO features Kenneth Branagh and the creature is from the Jim Henson Creature Shop... I suspect you might be too in it as well.

Though... I remember the town as... often kind of sad about a little dark... I bet they've lightened up this version. Still, I hope not... part of the reason the original stuck with me was the fact of wonder and darkness... and how totally grumpy the little ugly dude was. No fairy godmother he!

Hope the Jim Henson company hasn't used too too much CG :/ I didn't enjoy it in Jack and the Bean Stalk or in that kids movie about Loch Ness' mythical monster (whose title I've forgotten... see, much like a muscle dying on a deck)... I mean I nearly to make Nigel fly it's tough to do without cg... but... there must be other ways... they MUST know how it came suppose I gripe out of fear for the next week. Crystal movie. Part of the ficathon, it and Labyrinthremain classics, in my mind, is... no matter how you they get, they still look good. And I know you did the computer stuff in the bag. but it's used as flavoring... not as the ג€œtempג€ dish.

I'm rambling... I'd best go see what Dave is having for lunch... by making it.


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